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Love Dating Romance Collection

Special announcement for friends and fans of Michael Webb, world-renowned relationship author and expert
I just gave away my car
This might just be the best news ever foryour relationship - read the story to discover why.
A few weeks ago I heard that a lady at church was desperately needing toborrow a car for a few days.  Her 1992 van had finally died.  It was beyond repair.  She had no means for replacing it.
She is a recently divorced mother of four and holds down two jobs while also going back to school to finish her college degree so she can better provide for her family.
Both my wife and I felt convicted that giving her our (really nice) car (which we absolutely loved) was the right thing for us to do.  We had two vehicles and she had none.  Our second vehicle is a luxury.  Her being without reliable transportation wouldNew Car Bow most likely have her homeless in just a few weeks.
It was a joyous occasion when we went over to her house to "lend" her the car.  Then we showed up and she found out it was hers to keep.  She was speechless. 
Now it is time for me to get a new vehicle.  I am a fan of Dave Ramsey (the Financial Peace guy).   He says that you should never finance a car and I think that is a great goal.  I have decided that my next car will be paid for with cash. fire sale
This is GOOD NEWS FOR YOU because in order to raise the funds to pay for a new car, I decided to have an insane sale on my collection of books.
If you don't know who I am my name is Michael Webb. I have been a well-known relationship author and expert for nearly 20 years with appearances on over 500 TV and radio shows. 
I have written more than a dozen best selling books on the topic of love, dating, communication, romance and sex.  Yes, I give hot, juicy (NOT raunchy) tips and ideas on how to have the most satisfying relationship possible.)
While I DON'T have a doctorate in counseling, (although I've studied relationships professionally for over 2 decades) and I DON'T host a radio call in show (but I've been on over 500 as an expert guest)… but I DO have what most other relationship "experts” don’t have…
…an incredibly blissful marriage.
Which is why hundreds of men and women ask for my relationship advice and have done so for over 15 years.
In fact, this may surprise you but my wife Athena and I have never even had a fight in our 20+ years of marriage. Yes, it's true.
Of course I know …this sounds bizarre, even impossible but in a moment I'll explain exactly how this was possible. And more importantly, how it's possible for you.
You see, I grew up in a family with 6 sisters. And in my lifetime I've seen them abused by the various men in their lives. Even my mother has the scars from two unsuccessful marriages.
After witnessing this for too long, I decided be the sort of husband my mom and sisters had dreamed of but never had.
I studied relationships for a long time, took good notes on what things blissful couples do differently than those who have the typical relationship full of ups and downs. 
(By the way, nearly all "relationship" books focus on what couples are doing wrong. I'll let you know what couples are doing right.)
Several years later, I released my first book, The Romantic's Guide, which went on to become a international bestseller.
From there, things started to go crazy as the media started hounding me for interviews left, right and center.
To date, I've published nearly two dozen books helping both women and men with almost every imaginable relationships and marriage problem there is.

Appeared on Oprah, Episode:
Challenge Your Spouse
And as a result, have been feature in the media countless times, sharing my tips and secrets with millions of readers and viewers worldwide. Including:
  • Every major newspaper in the United States and many around the world
  • 100's magazines (features, quotes & interviews)
  • Over 500 radio shows
  • TV shows (The 700 Club, and Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)
And was aslo featured on Oprah to talk about ways to rekindle relationships for the episode, Challenge Your Spouse.
Plus, magazines like Redbook, Marriage, and Cosmopolitan.
And I've also been named "The World's Most Romantic Man"from many sources, including Woman's World Magazine.
Appeared in RedBook
(March 2003)

Appeared in Woman's World Magazine (November 1997)
All in all, I am regarded in the media as one of the nation's top experts on relationship matters.
So now you know that the relationship advice I'm about to give you isbased on YEARS of experience, (not guesswork!)
So let's dive in…
The Michael Webb "Happily
Ever After" Collection
For a limited time in order to raise some quick cash to buy a car to replace the one I gave away I'm offering a collection of my best selling ebooks for one heavily discounted investment.
Together, they cover everything you would ever want to know about romance, dating, relationships, marriage and even sex.
Some of the books help to rekindle relationships while others add even more fun, passion and joy to them. Whether you're dating, are newlyweds or have been married for years, these books will help bring you closer together and keep it that way.
I honestly believe this is the VERY BEST collection of books you can use to improve or even save your relationship.
But don't take my word for it. Just read some of the success stories at the bottom of this page.
If you take advantage of this very special offer, here's what you'll receive at my outrageously silly discount…

Book 1&2: 100 Secrets of Blissful Relationships
(Sold elsewhere for $47)

Included in The Collection
Use the secret of happy couples to take your relationship to the NEXT LEVEL.
You'll learn…
  • How to stop your partner's doing annoying and irritating things -without resorting to yelling or ever being accused of nagging… p29
  • It's true. I've never had a fight with my wife of 17 years, Athena. On page 23 I'll show you exactly how I do it and how you can stop the fights in your relationship for good!
  • The ONE THING that keeps your relationship fresh and sparks new life into it… many marriage end in divorce without this! p26
  • How to avoid hurting your partnerby handling arguments with a special "twist of focus" p25
  • And much more…

(Sold separately for $47)
"We thought we had a great relationship until we both read the 50 Secrets.
Compared to most couples we are doing alright but we soon realized that we weren't even close to blissful. Thanks for opening our eyes.
This should be required reading for every high school and college student." - Kris Underwood, Denver Colorado

Book 3: 500 Lovemaking Tips and Secrets
(Sold elsewhere for $37)

Included in The Collection
While I don't promise that all 539 ideas will be perfect for you, you should discover dozens and dozens of new, fun and fresh ideas and tips that will take your lovemaking to the next level.
Let's face it, lovemaking does lose its spark over the years. Inside you'll discover 539 to tips to keep the passion burning hot for years. Including these tips…
  • Ever stopped making love because you're too tired or unfit? This sex position on page 76 shows how to use less energy so you can keep the passion alive longer
  • The best light bulb color to intensify orgasms… And no, it's NOT red! (tip #125) p26
  • 24 tips and techniques to give a woman's clitoris more pleasure… she'll thank you over and over again after giving her these gifts of pleasure (tips scattered throughout)
  • A unique way to use perfume and colognes that can get your partner in the mood faster (tip #502) p65
  • And much much more…

(Sold separately for $37)
"For this past year my wife has beentelling me she isn't really interested in sex any more.
I took your advice on some of the romantic ideas and then did a few of the tips you shared and now she's been initiating sex every night this week even though she is studying for exams.
After we tried one of your positions she's been wanting to try all of them. Thanks. You saved my marriage."
– Britt R. Columbus OH

Book 4: 300 Unique and Creative Date Ideas
(Sold elsewhere for $27)

Included in The Collection
300 creative dates that cost between $5-$20 and don't take very long to prepare!
Always going on the same "dinner and movie" dates with your partner? Or watching videos at home? Let's face it, finding new, fun and creative things to do is hard!
This ebook features nearly 6 years worth of creative date nights. It contains over 300 dates that cost from $5-$20.
You'll discover inventive picnic ideas, unique dinner dates and so much more -- without spending much money or time in preparation!
In addition, there's also dozens of dates that are perfect for long distance relationships. There are dates specifically for celebrating the season, birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions.

(Sold separately for $27)
Like most couples, we had gotten stuck in a rut.
It seems like we used to do lots of fun and creative things together but recently just ended up going to movies (I don't know if that can even be considered a date since we don't communicate for 2 hours). Since I got this book, our date nights have been incredible. The ideas in the book not only are creative, they are cheaper than dinner and a movie. We have tried out about 20 of them so far and all have been super successful.
Very highly recommended. Better than all the others I have seen. - Trish, Tyler Texas

Book 5: 100 Sex Games For Couples
(Sold elsewhere for $27)

Included in The Collection
Did you know that one of the best ways tointensify orgasms is to have prolonged foreplay?
Think about it. The same old "kiss here, touch there" type of foreplay does become less exciting (and usually shorter) over time.
In short, less passion equals less pleasure and orgasms for you and your partner.
Inside this book you'll learn 100 Sex Gamesto help make foreplay more exciting (maybe even as exciting as sex itself)

(Sold separately for $27)
When I looked at the clock I realized that we had been having foreplay for 33 minutes before intercourse began. Usually we don't get past 5. And you were right, I had the most amazing orgasm (actually 2) ever. I'm a believer.- Tracy Q. New Freedom Pennsylvania
We have played 3 of the games now and it has made us feel like newlyweds- Sidney S. London, England

Book 6: 1000 Questions For Couples
(Sold elsewhere for $27)

Included in The Collection

(Sold separately for $27)
Did you know an estimated 83% of divorces would NOT take place if couples just asked each other the right questions…
How compatible are you and the person you are with? How would you know? Just because you like the same types of foods and pets does not mean that you can have a blissful, long-term relationship.
Categories of Questions:
Personality, Feelings & Emotions
Health, Food & Well Being
Morals, Convictions and Beliefs
Religion & Spiritual Matters
Car & Driver Holidays & Celebrations
Home & Home Life
Past & Future
Hobbies & Entertainment
Love, Romance & Date Nights
Friends & Family
Career and Education
Relationships – Past & Present
Children & Child Rearing
Wedding & Honeymoon

"I'm a divorced single mum but when I was married I went through this book after I was married and there was so much, even after being married for 12 years, that I didn't know about my ex-husband. I'm currently in a relationship and my boyfriend and I are going through this book and we have learned so much about each, that we've become so connected…It's a connection I didn't even have with a husband of 12 years and I've only been dating my boyfriend for 3. I just got the book about a year ago so we're just still plugging along through it but It's just amazing! And our relationship couldn't be closer!" – Michelle, Tampa Florida

Book 7: How To Make It Bigger, Stronger and Last Longer (valued at $30)
Included in The Collection 
To be honest I think many products that promote "enlargement" are scams.
However… I decided to get-to-the-bottom-of-this and find out the TRUTH, once and for all.
And after heavy research, I made somefascinating discoveries about penis enlargement, maintaining erections and preventing premature ejaculation.
And the best part is that all the solutions are100% natural. Yep, no pills or medicines that get you worried.
Now I'm going to be straight with you: None of these methods happen overnight. Like anything worthwhile in life, it takes a little effort to get results but the great thing is it's actually pretty simple once you know what to do.
So if you have 10 minutes a day, then you have what it takes to get a longer, stronger penis that lasts longer when making love.
Here's what you'll learn…
  • 9 "No B. S." ways to naturally add length to your penis… if done consistently and correctly it's quite possible to add an extra inch to your penis within a month or two (page 9 - 16)
  • How to last longer and help prevent premature ejaculation with 4 special "exercises" (page 18)
  • A simple "why didn't I think of that?" way to maintain a hard erection longer that also helps prevent erectile problems long-term… and it costs nothing to do! (page 20)
  • 12 frequently asked questions (and answers) about the natural penis enlargement methods…(page 22 - 25)
  • 11 more tips to help prevent premature ejaculation… enjoy more sexual confidence and self-esteem knowing you can leave her feeling totally satisfied after your marathon lovemaking session (page 26 - 28)
  • And much more

Book 8: How To Please Your Woman With Oral Sex
(Sold elsewhere for $37)

Included in The Collection

The art of cunnilingus
What every man must know about going down on a woman and having her begging for more
FACT1 : 88% of married women say cunnilingus is their preferred form of sexual activity? *
FACT 2: 81% of women regularly achieve orgasm from cunnilingus versus only 25% from traditional vaginal penetration? *
You'll learn…
  • 10 oral techniques that will drive her absolutely wild with pleasure 
  • How to find and stimulate her G-spot when using your tongue
  • How to tell if she’s enjoying herself just by watching and listening
(Sold separately for $37)
I honestly didn't think I would learn much from this book but I have loved everything else I have gotten from you, so I went ahead and got it last week. I had been reading it on my lunch hours and last night I tried out many of your suggestions and my wife actually started screaming (in a good way). She hasn't even been much of a moaner in our 11 years together. And I got a very *special treat* the next morning.
– Phil

Book 9: How To Give Him Mind-Blowing Blow Jobs 
(Sold elsewhere for $37)

Included in The Collection
Discover everything you need to know about giving him the best possible blow jobs.
  • 18 fellatio techniques to spice things up and give him a more pleasurable experience (page 46 - 57)
  • What to do if he has trouble getting or maintaining an erection (page 41)

(Sold separately for $37)
  • 8 ways to surprise him with a blow job (page 53 - 55)
  • The TRUTH about STD's and fellatio…(page 15 - 21)
  • What he should eat the day before fellatio so he tastes yummy

Book 10: How To Make His Blow Job Unforgettable
(valued at $20)

Included in The Collection
What's better than a blow job? A blow job by complete surprise!
Think about it. Nothing compares to thatexcitement and thrill of doing it in different places, even naughty ones. Inside you'll find many ideas to create your own adventurous experience. (Catered to every adventure level)
Here's a snippet from one of the 26 real-life stories you'll find in this 18-page report:
"I stopped him, unzipped his pants and went to my knees. I don't think I've ever heard more moans! Right there in his parents bathroom with them only feet away! He told me later that it was the best and most exciting he has ever had!! It definitely works to surprise!!" (page 4)

Book 11: How To Give Him Amazing Hand Jobs 
(valued at $20)

Included in The Collection
Why hand jobs? Because while most men LOVE blow jobs, many can't ejaculate from them alone. That's where hand jobs come in. They're easier, let you rest and allow better rhythm.
The verdict? Don't be surprised if he asks for hand jobs MORE often! But do them WRONG and he won't reach orgasm at all.
Here's what you'll learn…
  • A little-known place to press and/or rub that drives many men wild… and no, it's NOT his penis or scrotum! (page 8)
  • The two big mistakes women make giving hand jobs… warning: most women are guilty of these! (pages 9 - 10)
  • 14 techniques to stroke him that are more likely to make him orgasm (pages 10 - 13)
  • The 10 best positions for a hand jobs (pages 5 - 6)

Book 12: The Romantic's Guide (eBook Format)
(Sold elsewhere for $15.95)

Included in The Collection
on Oprah!

"Want to become the man of every woman’s wildest fantasy? Well, all you gotta do is read The Romantic."
 Chicago Daily Herald
Inside this best-selling book you discover hundreds of creative and inexpensive ideas for gifts, dates, celebrations and ways to say "I love you".
You'll discover…
  • A $2 kids toy that is far moreromantic than an expensive piece of jewelry
  • Learn why Michael cuts holes in his wife's coin collection
  • Super romantic items you can buy for pennies at the office supply store
  • What $5 anniversary gift will bring tears to your mate's eyes
  • What's the most romantic way to celebrate Christmas
  • And much much more…

(Sold separately for $15.95)
"Call Michael Webb the Master of Romance" – Dallas Morning News
"You should listen to Webb on romancethe way you'd listen to Mark McGuire on hitting a baseball." – Rocky Mountain News 
"Run, don't walk, to your nearest bookstore." - The Star
"An authority on romance." - New Man Magazine

Book 13: Sex All Around The House
(Sells elsewhere for $17)

Included in The Collection
Need to spice things up a bit? Your house is a goldmine of ideas to super charge your sex life. You just need to get a little creative.
Inside this book you'll discover 157 items from your everyday household…
1. The Living Room
2. The Kitchen
3. The Bedroom
4. The Closet
5. The Bathroom 
6. The Office
7. The Great Outdoors
8. Other Household Items

Book 14: 53 Sexy Coupons 
(valued at $10)
Included in The Collection 
Let's face it, EVERYONE loves a surprise!
And what better way to surprise your loved one than by giving them a unique gift? One that says "I love you" in a way that chocolate or jewelry could never do.
From coupons like "a full body massage" to "a lovemaking session in the rain," you'll find many that suit your style and thrill-seeker level.
Imagine the look on your lover's face when you hand them a coupon that says, "Redeem this coupon for: One lovemaking session in front of a roaring fire."
In fact, you'll receive 53 sexy coupons, just like this one, that you can print and present to your partner as an unforgettable gift.

Book 15: 101 Romantic Ideas 
(valued at $15)
Included in The Collection 
Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!
Want another? When you are in a romantic spot, ask your partner if she would like to dance.
Place one earpiece in her ear and one in your own and enjoy your private dance floor.
This technique is particularly effective if the romantic spot you have chosen is somewhere where people would not normally dance, for example, the top of the Empire State building at sunset or on top of a mountain during a camping trip.
These are just TWO romantic ideas you can start using right away–inside you'll discover 99 MORE WAYS to express the love for your partner in creative and unique ways.
You'll also learn…
  • A unique "twist" to buying flowers (idea #3)
  • A creative way to cheer your partner up at work (idea #10)
  • 7 'seldom used' words that really touch the heart (idea #14)
  • And many many more…

Book 16: 101 Creative and Unique Proposal Ideas
(Sold elsewhere for $47)

Included in The Collection
In a recent survey,80% of women said that their marriage proposal was "less romantic" than they hoped for.
Thinking of proposing soon? The hard part is finding unique and creative marriage proposal ideas to blow away their girlfriend with.
But because I've sifted through 7,329 entriesin my worldwide contest, you'll only get the 101most magical and creative proposal storiesproposal ideas.
You'll also get dozens of photographs of actual proposals, the best places to get supplies for your proposal, tips to create the best day possible and 25 of the WORST proposal so you avoid these mistakes.

(Sold separately for $47)
Michael - I wish I would have bought this the first time I visited. I thought I could find great ideas for free just surfing the web. I spent at least 20 hours looking for creative ideas and found maybe 5 that were so-so.
I went to the bookstore and flipped through a couple more books and you are right -- they weren't very useful. After finally buying and reading your stuff I am beating myself up for wasting so much time looking elsewhere. – James Gardner
Dallas, Texas

Let's Wrap This Up…
Let's do a quick comparison: If you enrolled in a couples intensive workshops you'd be paying anywhere around $5000 to participate.
No joke.
What's even better is that a large portion of what you'd learn in these $5000 workshops is all right here for a fraction of the investment.
Most people would say that is actually a small price to pay for a lifetime of pure love and devotion in a relationship. You are right. It really is.  But unfortunately there are few who have the finances (or the time off from work) to go to one of these workshops.
And in fact, if you ordered each of these books separately on their websites, you'd pay $301.90 but today you can get this entire package for just $97.
Incredible value!
As soon as I raise enough to pay for that replacement car I will cancel the sale and this bargain deal will no longer be available.
Also, remember this package has a complete 60-day money back guarantee. If you don't believe this is the best collection of books to take your relationship to the NEXT LEVEL then I'll refund you every cent. Simple.
FIRE SALE of $97 (69% discount) - will end soon

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Michael Webb
P. S. Still not sure? Read our 45 success stories for concrete proof below!
P. P. S. Remember, I am having this sale only until I have raised enough funds to buy my next car.  That could be only hours or days from now.  After that I will cancel this sale.  It is the only time I have ever sold my materials for this low, low price. 

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500 Lovemaking Tips Success Stories
"he actually initiated it 6 times last month"
"My husband lost interest in sex about 7 years ago and we usually only had it about once a month or less. Since getting these tips he actually initiated it 6 times last month and asked if I could repeat some of the tips I had tried on him.
His erections are actually harder than they have been in years too. I feel like we are much closer as a result of the better lovemaking. I have been telling all my friends about your 500 Lovemaking Tips and several have bought it too."
– Bridget JTampa, Florida

"marriage improved almost instantly…"
"My pastor actually recommended your material to me when I counseled with him for ourmarriage problems. He said we should start off setting aside one night a week for lovemaking and trying one new tip from your book each time.
Our marriage improved almost instantly and now we have mutually agree to set aside three nights each week and we alternate picking out a new idea that we want to try. Our friends have even commented how much happier we seem to be."
– Stanley J. MyakkaCity FL

"worth every penny"
"I wanted nothing more than to please my man and was especially looking for tips on giving him great oral sex as I have read that is one of the biggest complaints that men have.
The look I now see on his face (and the moans I hear) when I go down on him made it worth every penny. I want my man to be completely satisfied so he wont be tempted to look elsewhere."
– Anonymous

"without feeling guilty"
"Thanks for putting together all these hot ideas that we Christians can try out without feeling guilty."
– Rev. Louise C. New York, New York

"I will be one happy man"
"I wasn't looking to improve my marriage or anything like that.
I simply wanted HOT SEX! I discovered I already knew about half the tips but the others I didn't know seem like a lot of fun to try. My p**** will probably fall off with all these new tips but I will be one happy man."
– R. C. Valdosta GA

"most powerful orgasm ever"
"I tried out the 10 thrust tip that you mentioned last week and my wife said she had the most powerful orgasm ever. She wanted to know where I learned about that move but I was too embarrassed to tell her.
I will eventually have to fess up when I start trying some of the other great ideas I have been reading."
– Brett D.Ogden Utah
"what a difference you have
made in my marriage!"
"I'd like to take this chance to say what a difference you have made in my marriage. I've bought a couple of your e-books. All are great, and the tips from the "500 tips" book has just about given my husband heart failure!
He wonders where his old wife went - not that he wants her back! We've been married for 6 years, and we're just opening up and really getting to know each other through your books.
We are Christians, and it's about time someone helped me out without being immoral or degrading! Thank you a thousand times! (And my husband thanks you, too!)"
– Amanda K. Durham, NC
saved us $1000 in counseling
"You saved me and my wife $1000 from having to go to a marriage counselor or sex therapist as our sex life was miserable.
Now it is like we are on our honeymoon again with so many ways to explore new things with each other."
– Paul T.Canton OH

1000 Questions For Couples
Success Stories
"My boyfriend and I took four months going through the questions - a few each day and at the end we were so certain about our future together that we didn't hesitate to get engaged."
– RC
Baton Rouge, LA
we couldn't possibly be closer!
"I'm a divorced single mum but when I was married I went through this book after I was married and there was so much, even after being married for 12 years, that I didn't know about my ex-husband. I'm currently in a relationship and my boyfriend and I are going through this book and we have learned so much about each, that we've become so connected… It's a connection I didn't even have with a husband of 12 years and I've only been dating my boyfriend for 3. I just got the book about a year ago so we're just still plugging along through it but It's just amazing! And our relationship couldn't be closer!"
– Michelle
Tampa Florida
saved me from making a terrible mistake!
I had been going out with this guy for about 7 months and we were even engaged when I began to question whether or not I really knew him. My mom bought this book for me as she was really concerned.
We only got through about half of the book and it was pretty obvious that he wasn't exactly what he portrayed himself to be. Igot real creeped out by some of his answers and I am sooooooo grateful I didn't marry the guy.
– S. Ables
opened up the lines of communication
"I must say this was just PERFECT for myself and my husband. We were going through some marital difficulties, got this book while we were in marriage counseling and actually used this by email and it was great. Thought we knew everything about each other and turned out we didn't know ANYTHING about each other! And it was a great way to open the lines of communication between each other and to just have fun with it.
We take one or two questions a day and fire 'em back and forth. We both have a copy of the book and we pick out questions and just went through the book. And it made it so we just got to the point where we can just ask each other anything. It was really great for us. It was just wonderful to just have a starting point to begin to communicate with each other, which was a really big issue for us. So thank you so much. It was exactly what we needed. And I recommend it to everybody!"
– TeresaRoanoke, Virginia

has made us fall deeply in love
"My testimonial is for the 1000 questions for couples ebook which we just downloaded, my new girlfriend and I, she's at a distance. And we pretty much spent about a month and a half, going through maybe half or more of the questions so far, it's our number #1 thing we like to do every day, every night, is learn about each other in depth and find out how amazingly compatible we are and areas we have to learn to compromise in to go forward in our life together and merge our families. It's the best thing we've done! We've really really deeply fallen in love doing the 1000 questions for couples. Thank you very much Michael, you're awesome!"
– MichaelBaton Rouge, Louisiana

"we know each other perfectly now"
"My favorite book would be the 1000 questions for couples. I enjoyed doing this with my husband, fiancee at the time, before we got married because we asked each a lot of questions and probably delved into a lot of information that we wouldn't have necessarily done or come up with on our own. So it's great to help you get to know your mate better and, not that we know each other just perfectly now, but it sure helped with our position on the way we think, so we can know the way the other one thinks and make our decision to be a married couple and have a wonderful life. Thank you."
– EricaMt Juliet, TN

"even stronger bond than we had"
"Something that has affected my relationship very powerfully is the 1000 Questions For Couples, I actually printed off all questions and cut them off into slips and decorated a shoebox and put them in there and because I have a really long distance relationship, we've been dating for 3 years, and so every night, I pull a few questions out of the box and we'll talk to each other and answer the questions and re-connect and form and even stronger bond than we had and it's a really great way for us to continue to have things to talk about when we're not necessarily sharing everything because we're such a long distance apart. So I really love it, thank you because it's been a great help."
– SarahUrbana, Illinois
"highly recommend for anyone in a serious relationship"
"I was married once before and even did a 6 week marriage counseling session that my church offered. Unfortunately the counseling wasn't as good as it should have been because 3 years later I discovered a lot of things about my husband that didn't come out in the open during the counseling sessions.
My fiance and I have now gone through all the questions and trust me, I feel that no stones are left unturned this time. These questions are EXTREMELY thorough. Some are light-hearted (which I am glad for) but many are questions that I really wish me and my first husband had discussed.
I highly recommend this for anyone in a serious relationship. It will save you a lot of grief if you can answer the questions honestly."
– Kathleen
Pasadena, California
"this has been so much fun"
"I bought a different questions book first. My boyfriend and I were a little disappointed in that books format, but we laughed at the multiple choice answers on some of them that were so outrageous. But...I decided to get this book by Michael Webb and I'm so glad I did!
It's 100% easier to read through, the questions are better and we love the format! This has been so much fun, added so much to our relationship and has been such a confirmation of all we have in common. What's nice is that so often the questions lead to other things being brought up and we really get to know each other even better. We highly recommend this book!"
– Isabella
my pastor recommend your products
"I read a statistic somewhere that if you go to pre-marital counseling before you get married it will cut down your probability of getting divorced by 75%.
I'm not sure if that is true but it certainly makes sense to have some sort of thorough discussion on all the vital topics before you say I do. I had asked my minister at churchif he knew of any "tests" we should take before we get married to make sure we knew each other and he recommended this book.
I must say that it was extremely thorough and asked quite a number of questions that I didn't really feel comfortable answering but in the end drew me and my fiance really close together. Most questions were really fun to answer and I loved hearing my fiances answers - I learned a lot more about him than I thought I would. I definitely recommend this book."
– T. Cat
thought provoking questions
"The questions you pose throughout the book are thought provoking, honest and certainly added to creating a solid base to start our initial relationship and ultimately our marriage. Over our short history of three years, I also believe the questions contained throughout your book have helped to pave the way for an open field of communication and total honesty."
– J. Lackey

300 Creative Dates
Success Stories
"she immediately accepted. We have
gone on 3 more dates since"
There was a lady that I had been interested in for a while and I had asked her out 3 times before but she kept saying know (sic). I didn't get the feeling that I repulsed her or anything like that. I considered that perhaps she wasn't interested in just going out for dinner.
I decided to see if a more exciting date idea would make her reconsider and that did the trick! When I suggested one of the dates I read in this book she immediately accepted. We have gone on 3 more dates since and she admitted to me that she only went out the first time because the date sounded like a lot of fun even though she wasn't that interested in me, but has really gotten to like me over the last few dates.
I had thought previously that you got dates based on looks, charm or sex appeal but the kind of date idea you offer seems to have a lot of weight too.
– Toma, Chicago, IL

"Now the stuff we do is actually fun and we have gotten tighter as a couple because of it."
I bought this as a birthday present for my boyfriend and told him that he could pick out one date a month that I would have to treat him to and hopefully he would let me pick out one date a month that I would like to do.
We have had it for about 3 months now and we get really excited about our dates now. Before we didn't really do anything but hang out and maybe rent a movie. Now the stuff we do is actually fun and we have gotten tighter as a couple because of it.
Several of my friends have expressed how jealous they are of the dates we have been going on. It is not like they are expensive or anything - just unique.
– Deb, New Rome, OH

"Glad this was out there for me to get."
I thought I was really romantic but my girlfriend told me I needed a little help <crash> :(
Upon recommendation from a friend I got this book and while some of the ideas weren't us (maybe 20%) there were a lot that I have been able to use. After reading it I have to admit <blush> that I guess I am not nearly as romantic as I thought.
My hat's off to this Michael Webb guy. Glad this was out there for me to get.
– Mark Sable
"the LAST THREE girls have called
me to ask ME OUT for the second time"
DUDE - U Rock. I had no prob. getting chicks to go out w me one time but they never wanted to go out again. We would always just go catch a flick at the movie and talk a bit and go home.
NOW after I have been putting a bit more effort (and less $$$$) into the dates - the LAST THREE girls have called me to ask ME OUT for the second time. They say that NO ONE has done a fun date like I did. THANKS DUDE. My reputation is SOARING. And I'm having more fun too.
– Anonymous email

"Since I got this book, our date
nights have been incredible."
Like most couples, we had gotten stuck in a rut. It seems like we used to do lots of fun and creative things together but recently just ended up going to movies (I don't know if that can even be considered a date since we don't communicate for 2 hours). Since I got this book, our date nights have been incredible. The ideas in the book not only are creative, they are cheaper than dinner and a movie. We have tried out about 20 of them so far and all have been super successful. Very highly recommended. Better than all the others I have seen.
– Trish, Tyler Texas

Michael Webb is the Renoir of Romance, and this book is a treasure-trove of great ideas.
– Clint

Lick By Lick
Success Stories
"Started screaming (in a good way)"
I honestly didn't think I would learn much from this book but I have loved everything else I have gotten from you so I went ahead and got it last week. I had been reading it on my lunch hours and last night I tried out many of your suggestions and my wife actually started screaming (in a good way). She hasn't even been much of a moaner in our 11 years together. And I got a very *special treat* the next morning.
– Phil

"Never had an orgasm until Friday night"
We have been together for almost 3 years and my lady had never had an orgasm until Friday night when I finally figured out how to make her come with my mouth. You don't know what that did to my confidence level.
– MJ, Montana

"happiest lady on the planet"
You made my wife the happiest lady on the planet last night. She actually told me to tell you that.
– Randy C.

"only once did she seem to enjoy it… now know that I was doing so many of the wrong things"
We have been married for 16 years and I have given her oral sex 7 times and only once did she seem to enjoy it. I never could figure out what it was that made that time different. After reading your book I now know that I was doing so many of the wrong things and not nearly enough of the right things.
– Stephen C. Madison, WI

Blow By Blow
Success Stories
"thought at 34 years old that I knew just
about every thing there is to know about doing down on a man"
I got the Blow by Blow book and thought at 34 years old that I knew just about every thing there is to know about doing down on a man and the tip where you do  _______  while going down on him, drove my boyfriend absolutely WILD.  I can't wait to finish reading that and start with Stroke by Stroke!!  Thanks for the books, we thank you very much.
– Denise

"When it was over he gave me the most passionate, deep, wet, sensual kiss ever and told me over and over how much he loved me."
I always heard these stories about how men would do just about anything for one. But I had tried it several times and when I asked him how it was, it was always just "ok". Ithought that maybe he was one of the guys who just didn't care for it much. Anyway, got the book and realized I was doing a few things all wrong. Last night I tried a couple of the more advanced techniques you describe and my guy was actually beginning to have spasms. When it was over he gave me the most passionate, deep, wet, sensual kiss ever and told me over and over how much he loved me. Thanks for helping us take it to the next level.
– Michelle(you can use my first name but no last name please)
Excited? Seen enough? Click here
"That morning I was praising your name." – Paul B.
"My wife and I have really good sex but I just keep fantasizing about getting amazing head and my wife just doesn't enjoy it and honestly, she isn't that great at it. I feel awful criticizing her so I until now I have just pretended like it was good, but I think she could tell it wasn't. I also bought your ebook on Cunnilingus and got up the nerve to tell my wife that I bought both and maybe we could each learn how to please each other better. She read it that night and the next morning she woke me up with some of the stuff she learned. That morning I was praising your name. I know it was just a fantastic blow job but somehow it made me feel more manly and that my wife was treating me like a prince. Tonight I shall try to return the favor. Forever in your debt.
– Paul B. Athens, Georgia

I was really nervous about doing this for my man and you have given me the confidence I needed.
– Sabrina

101 Creative Proposals
Success Stories
"spent at least 20 hours looking for creative ideas 
and found maybe 5 that were so-so
I thought I could find great ideas for free just surfing the web. I spent at least 20 hours looking for creative ideas and found maybe 5 that were so-so. I went to the bookstore and flipped through a couple more books and you are right -- they weren't very useful. After finally reading your stuff I am beating myself up for wasting so much time looking elsewhere.
– James Gardner,
Dallas, Texas

"promised great proposal stories but
they were VERY ordinary
At first I had ordered for $5.99 access to a website which promised great proposal stories but they were VERY ordinary. I finally said to myself, I am spending over $1000 on the ring, I should propose in the absolutely best way possible. I got your ideas and man... they put the others to shame, which is not surprising since yours came from a huge contest, not all made up by yourself like this other place. I would warn everyone - YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
– Brian Sears, 
Washington D.C.

"I'm a huge hero to everyone."
Your ideas ROCK! I wanted to propose this weekend and was going to do it over dinner at a nice restaurant in town but thought perhaps there was a better way. 
Now I realize my idea would have been sooooo lame compared to what you inspired me to do. She's been telling everyone how fantastic it was and I'm a huge hero to everyone. I liked how most of the ideas didn't cost much money.
– Stephen McLeanRaleigh, North Carolina

"I am so glad the proposal ended up
very special and creative"
What a fantastic resource. He said YES!!!!! and even cried. I am so glad the proposal ended up very special and creative (unlike most of my friends who all do the same thing.)
– Wendy LemusFt. Worth, Texas

"I would have paid $100 for this information!"
I would have paid $100 for this information! It was that helpful for the most important moment in my life.
– Bryant L.Utica, New York

"much better than what I would
have been able to afford"
Thanks for sharing how to get a free engagement ring. I would have never thought to go that route but the ring ended up being much better than what I would have been able to afford.
– Jeff TrundleSeattle, Washington

101 Sex Games
Success Stories
Who would have thought such a simple book would have such an amazing impact on our sex life. You should charge more as you are saving the world!
– Lizzy G.Hammond, Louisiana

When I looked at the clock I realized that we had been having foreplay for 33 minutes before intercourse began. Usually we don't get past 5. And you were right, I had the most amazing orgasm (actually 2) ever. I'm a believer.
– Tracy Q.New Freedom, Pennsylvania

I can't remember having this much intensity in our lovemaking. Thanks.
– Michael T.
Boise, Idaho

We have played 3 of the games now and it has made us feel like newlyweds.
– Sidney S.
London, England

Your games have cured me!
– Paul R. 
- New York, NY

We can't wait for Friday night to come around so we can play another game. We wrote down all the names of the games and put them in a cookie jar and we take turns picking out one game each Thursday, and that gives us time to prepare and anticipate the game on Friday night.
– Guy S.
La Canada, California
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